Since producing the big list of PHP frameworks I have been contacted privately by email and the issue has been raised by David in the comments. Why so many frameworks for PHP? Python has a few, and Ruby has 2 of its main frameworks merging. PHP has at least 50 active public frameworks with a vast unknown number of in house frameworks. It has been suggested this is a waste of resources and that 1 good framework is all that is needed.
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Tag: PHP (Page 2 of 3)
PHP scripting language
For the start of a new year, it was time to clean out the list of PHP frameworks. A few have fallen by the wayside, but many new ones have been added. It seems that patterns and MVC is still all the rage, but less are professing to being Rails clones, though the inspiration of convention is still strong. There are a wide variety of framework types. From full stack (cakePHP, Symfony) to components (eZ), a bit of both (Zend) and minimalist (LightVC, TinyMVC, Pluf).
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Pádraic Brady is in the midst of creating a book about the Zend framework. On its own, not huge news, but the way its being done is most interesting. It will be free to read, and new chapters will be added as they are written. Also each paragraph can be commented on. So think something is not clear or not correct, tell the author right there. Bruce Eckel has in the past done similar things with his ‘Thinking in …’ books, and he believes it makes for a better book.
The new zend framework book is called Surviving The Deep End, and can be found on its own site. 2 chapters are currently available
The Eclipse plugin – PHP Development Tools (PDT) has released version 2.0 for download.
This new version uses the Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit and with reduced dependencies is claimed to be lighter and faster. There are numerous enhancements, with the best improvements around support for object oriented programming, code highlighting and builds.
This post uses PHP in examples, and links to existing code standards, but could easily apply to any language.
Every developer is different, and most believe that their way is THE way. Some have a Computer Science degree, some learnt on the job. Some have 20 years experience across multiple languages, while someone is on their first day with PHP as their first language. There are so many differences, but 1 commonality: shared code. Unless you run your own company, and will never have anyone edit your code, you need a standard so that all these different programmers with their diverse backgrounds are working in a common way.
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PHP advent is on again this year. Different people from around the diverse PHP community write an article on a topic of their choice. Submissions so far run from code to structure to changing jobs. Read through in a quiet time.
The internet is full of good and bad content, not just when it comes to PHP. Here is a list of the PHP related blogs that I consider most interesting.
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This article is an introduction to some of the ways Xdebug can help you with your PHP code. Xdebug is a stable and mature PHP extension that can be invaluable in debugging and profiling your PHP code.
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PHP version 5.27 was officially released and quickly replaced with 5.28. The regression errors introduced in 5.27 affects configurations where magic_quotes_gpc is enabled. So skip 5.27 and go straight to 5.28.
PHP 5.3 is getting closer. The third alpha release is now public. The current plan is for betas and release candidates every 3-4 weeks and a full release by the end of March 2009.
The most high profile new feature is namespaces. This has been a while coming and not without complaint, especially regards to the seperator chosen – . Many other languages and a number of developers wanted :: , and for a while this was going to be the choice. A number of possibilities did get a look in.